The Practice of Stewardship

As with many churches, we place our practices of giving under the heading of Stewardship. The belief that we are not possessors but rather caretakers of God's gifts informs how we offer those gifts to the world. Stewardship applies to our offerings of time and talent as well as to our financial giving. 

Please read below for more information about giving at St. Paul's.

The image for 2024 Stewardship is that of a high speed monorail zooming into the Light. We are united together on a journey that will require provision, spiritual, intellectual, and material resources through which the Spirit’s work becomes tangible. Thank you for prayerful considering your pledge to St. Paul's Church.  No one can help but be changed by your love. Every soul brings a portion of the power of God to the community.  We are the future of St. Paul’s!  Let’s enjoy the ride!



Christ’s blessings to you and your family,


St. Paul’s Episcopal Church



Ways of Giving

  • in person, online & by Text

    We are pleased to be able to offer convenient and secure ways to give directly online (see above) or by text message (click here for more info), and at the same time we appreciate the importance of the physical act of giving. Whether sending in a monthly pledge envelope by mail or placing your gift in the offering plate on Sunday, these acts are meaningful spiritual practices, which will not be displaced by newer digital options.

  • Annual Giving

    Annual giving refers to the gifts that make up our operating budget. The practice of submitting a pledge for the upcoming year is vital to our planning for the building up of our ministries. However, we know that this is not ideally suited for all people. Whether in the form of a pledge or a one-time gift, what we offer back to God out of the abundance of our lives is always a matter for prayer and consideration, bringing our material lives into the fold of our spiritual selves. The generosity of our parish makes a great deal possible here at St. Paul's, and we thank you. Click here for a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Perpetual Memorial & Endowment

    The St. Paul's Episcopal Church Memorial Endowment Fund was established in 2005 with the mission to preserve the heritage we have received, to expand and grow the Body of Christ here and in the world, and for the enrichment of our spiritual lives through education. As a memorial fund, it provides an ideal means of perpetuating the memory of loved ones in a most significant manner. Look for more information in the fund's Annual Report, issued each spring, or contact Mrs. Brenda Ferguson in the church office.